The Traveling Press

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Target your audience with precision. Let us help you reach the affluent traveler.

Connecting Publishers with the World:

Your Travel Content Partner!

Target your audience with precision. Let us help you reach the affluent traveler.

Our Mission

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, reaching your audience can be a challenge. But with our distribution services, you can rest assured that your content will reach your target audience wherever they are. Whether they’re on the go or relaxing in a luxury hotel, our network of airlines, hotels, airport lounges, and other travel-related venues will ensure that your publication is seen by the right people, at the right time, and in the right place.

Our Mission pic

We understand that every publication is unique, and that’s why we offer both printed and digital formats to best suit your needs. With our expertise and experience, we can help you choose the right distribution channels to reach your desired audience and maximize your exposure.

If you’re ready to take your publication to the next level and reach a highly targeted audience of travelers, contact us today to learn more about our services.

publication pic

Unleash your publication’s potential with our global travel distribution network – Let’s embark on a journey towards unrivaled success together!

your publication
with us

We are committed to excellence.
Our years of experience and industry expertise set us apart from the competiton and allow us to offer unique and valuable services to our clients.

We have established relationships with key players in the travel sector, providing unparalleled access for our publishing partners.

We offer a  comprehensive and integrated print and digital distribution solution, ensuring that your publication will be seen by a wide and engaged audience.

Our dedicated team is always working to provide the best possible experience for our clients and is committed to delivering results that exceed expectations. 

Choose us for a partner that truly values your success.

Partnering with us means you’ll have access to a wide range of distribution channels and expert support from our teams. We are committed to helping Publishers achieve their goals by providing reliable, high-quality distribution placement services in the travel industry.